After uploading all the system files to your web server, navigate to the installation page by entering the following URL in your browser:
This will open the installation wizard, where you can begin setting up the system.
Upon accessing the installation page, you will be greeted by the Welcome to the Nursery Management System Setup screen. This page provides an introduction to the installation process.
Click on Next: Configure Database to proceed to the next step.
In this step, you'll need to provide the database connection details. Fill out the following fields:
or localhost
.Once the fields are filled out, click on Verify Connection to check the connection.
After successfully configuring the database, you will need to verify your purchase by entering the purchase code you received from Codecanyon.
Enter the code and click Verify to proceed.
Once the purchase code has been verified, the system will finalize the installation. You will then see the Installation Successful page, confirming that the system is ready to use.
The default login credentials will be provided on this page:
You can copy these credentials and click on Go to Login to access the system.
Solution: Ensure that the image paths are correct. Images should be stored in the correct directory (e.g., `public/images/`). Make sure the file names are correct, and check file permissions to ensure they are accessible by the web server.
Solution: To avoid having `/public/` in your URL, follow these steps:
Solution: To move your site from one domain to another, follow these steps: